I’m a seasoned recruiter with over 25 years of experience. During my time, I’ve had the privilege of working with a cross-section of people (clients and candidates), industries, and personalities in businesses of various sizes. No matter where I went, two universal truths always emerged. One - The hiring process needs to be improved, and only then can we make better hiring decisions; Two - We need to attract a broader range of candidates for each vacancy. So - The question arises - how do we fulfil these two needs?
One answer - Neurodiverse talent. If companies can find a way of engaging with talent that is neurodiverse from attraction, hiring and ongoing then they’ll unlock employees who have some incredible, amazing superpowers. With greater understanding and focus this largely untapped talent pool will deliver above and beyond.
This is an area I am working on with a few partners. If we improve the way hiring processes work, that is - bring in a holistic, people-centric, human-focused approach to managing people as individuals that considers their superpowers as benefits, not challenges, surely we’ll build a happier, more inclusive workforce. We have a skills shortage, with many unfilled jobs across all areas, and neurodiverse talent, if understood, managed and supported well, can significantly contribute to the economy. But, it’s not simply a case of changing hiring methods, so it’s possible to filter this workforce IN. We must actively stop this talent from being excluded/screened out.
The solution? Get-Optimal. When I was first introduced to the concept, it made immediate sense. Their Saas solution that optimises job ads for DE&I and SEO also helps optimise ads to draw in this under-utilised talent pool. What’s more, the solution just makes sense. The solution Get-Optimal provides produces a larger, more qualified pool of candidates, including those who now have the opportunity to apply for roles that they may have traditionally been excluded from.
What’s more, Get-Optimal impacts the first stage of the hiring process by optimising job adverts to provide a broader pool of candidates to the talent acquisition teams. The challenge then is for the next step in the process to align with Get-Optimal and find ways of screening these candidates IN?